Magic Speaker Gerard - References

Lars Pijlman

Seinpost / ZKA

Gerard gave an energetic, interactive presentation Work Happiness at our Innovation Day. Inspiring and he gave us practical tools to achieve a better work-life balance. For consultants, this is no luxury...

Simone Buissink

Bruggenbouwer en verbinder

"Two worlds came together, there was amazement and wonder and a fine atmosphere. "

Gerrit Cleven


"Gerard makes everything clear in an inspiring, fun way and it also sticks!"

Casper Vaandrager


"The passionate and original way of presenting made it a workshop not to be forgotten.."

Niels Wuijts

Wuijts coaching / Special Forces in Business

"Gerard has the gift of demonstrating NLP in a unique and fun way. Very cool to experience."

Linda Buelens

Leef Leer Lach Hypnotherapie en coaching

"Entertained by your magical arts and it made us think."

Paul Flier


"Within the first minute Gerard managed to both captivate and pleasantly confuse everyone's attention"

Alex Vaassen


"Gerard knows how to make a wonderful connection with peple and, through beautiful metaphors, create awareness around observation, interpretation, focus, attention and communication."
"I've seen you perform many times before but this was the superlative of magic." 

Rolf Van Der Jagt

BSR Van Der Jagt

"A kind and open person who can make any presentation day a success. Seeing is believing"

Anneke Meijer


"Enjoyed your wrap-up performance at the NVNLP meeting Gerard! I wish every congress your wrao-up!" 

Dhr. S.H. Theijse

Temco Euroclean Services

"It was very successful - again!"

Prof. Dr. Jacob de Boer

IVM - VU Amsterdam

"I didn't know in advance who we were booking because we had never seen you before, so it was a little exciting for us, but I'm very glad we booked you."

Veronica Knapp


"Hello Gerard, Thanks for the successful afternoon. Although short, what you said just stuck. What you said came back many times over dinner. I think we are more aware of some things now.. THANK YOU!!!!!"

Jopie Bijl

Interflon Holland bv

"Gerard delivered an inspiring workshop at our meeting in which he flawlessly responded to the atmosphere within our company and the message - our annual theme  - literally tied it all together. He effortlessly triggered our employees to think creatively with each other about their vision and plans so we had a fun interactive afternoon that will be talked about for a long time to come."

Marlies Koorman

Bureau Greep

"Gerard, can you please just do and say exactly the same thing this afternoon as last time, we could refer to your performance all afternoon."

Live Magical Lectures

We enjoyed the interactive performance. We were in the mood for it, of course, a mindset which will vary from group to group, but you have really nice magic tricks and above all a good story with accompanying experience. My compliments!
Hans Paalvast - Zorginstituut Nederland
Gerard filled in our festive PwC evening in a very special way. Our guests were immediately taken into the wonderful world of close up magic tricks by him. Froma very close range, Gerard introduced our guests to his magic tricks. During the central part of the event Gerard surprised our guests with a specific interpretation of PwC's core values. We talked about it at the table for a long time!
Ton Vercammen - PWC

Gerard gave an energetic, interactive presentation Work Happiness at our innovation day. Standing between the cows... Inspiring. He gave us practical tools to get more balance between work & private life. Not a luxury for consultants... We are still practicing with the ropes... Thanks on behalf of the Seinpost/ZKA team!

Lars Pijlman - Seinpost/ZKA
Gerard spoke magically at my birthday party. An hour of magic and wisdom. I find Gerard to be an inspiration and very good at his craft. His shows are highly recommended!
Berthe Jongejan - Colourfields


  • "Enjoyed your wrapping up performance on the NVNLP meeting Gerard!
    I wish every congress your wrap-up!"

    Anneke Meijer, director and trainer
  • "Several times I experienced a presentation by Gerard du Buf, in which he surprisingly combined the theme of the preceding training and the style presented there with a number of magic tricks..
    Clear to follow, except for the tricks! We chuckled and laughed out loud at his verbal references

    again, Anneke Meijer
  • "I've seen many magicians at work, but what Gerard does incredibly well is drawing you into his story. He puts you on the wrong track wonderfully which only increases the amazement. It's most certainly not a standard story because he immerses himself in his audience making the tricks come awfully close. Be sure to experience it!
    Dick van der Vaart

Vrouwen van Nu (Women of Now)

  • "Interesting; Instructive; Fun; Too short, I want to know more about it.
    An enjoyable and educational evening."

    Anja Rutten
  • "Good lecture on how your thoughts can be influenced by yourself. I was made aware that 'real communication' is a job to work on, mainly on my end, and that it can and must be done differently to get clear communication back!"
    Renée Pegel-de Torbal
  • "Delightful. You kept the group very active.
    The magic was a nice touch. Delightful evening."
  • "A fun and meaningful presentation."
  • "Gaining insight into yourself and others. Many people should (ought to) take this course."
  • "Particularly interesting evening, heard a lot in a pleasant way.
    Does make you think!"
  • "'What you truly and deeply want is usually also attainable' I found to be an eye-opener.
    A very enthusiastic speaker."
  • "Found it very interesting. If the opportunity arises I will definitely recommend it."
  • "Very informative and something think about for a long time to come.
    Just one evening leaves one wanting for to really apply this in your own life.
    That's why talking about it some more in your group is recommended.."
  • Some reactions after performing for Vrouwen van Nu.


  • "I've seen you perform before but this was the superlative of magic."
    Alex Vaassen - Director and trainer of NTI NLP
  • "I knew Gerard from the NLP TrainersTraining he did with us. Years later I met him again during the 2018 NVNLP congress. He amazed me with how he has further developed himself and his concept. Communication and perception have a lot in common. Gerard is not only a nice person but also a man who knows exactly how things can go wrong in communication and he illustrates this with magic tricks. He knows how to make a beautiful connection and how to create awareness around observation, interpretation, focus, attention and communication through beautiful metaphors."
    again, Alex Vaassen

OOR Utrecht

"LIFE and EDUCATION in balance; how does that WORK?"
"Maja Visser and Gerard du Buf delivered an inspiring session at our annual symposium of the Education and Training Region Utrecht. The theme of the symposium was LIFE and EDUCATION in balance; how does that WORK?

Maja Visser and Gerard du Buf have set up a substantive and creative program for our target group."

Aly Hiemstra
Organization day symposium Education and Training Region Utrecht (OOR Utrecht)

Interflon: "Sustaining growth"

""Gerard delivered an inspiring workshop at our meeting in which he flawlessly matched the atmosphere within our company and literally tied the message - 2 year themes - together. He effortlessly triggered our employees to think creatively with each other about their visions and plans so we had a fun interactive afternoon that will be talked about for a long time to come. Kind regards,"
Jopie Bijl - Communications Officer Interflon Holland bv

Port of Rotterdam: "A crystal ball"

The magic of a vision!

  • "Over two years have passed since the Port Vision 2030 was drawn up: the long-term strategy for the port of Rotterdam. And with success: the Port Vision has been unanimously embraced by the Rotterdam City Council. A great moment to celebrate and a good moment to thank everyone who has contributed. A vision has something magical, a crystal ball is among the first thing you think of.
    But that's not what Gerard du Buf came up with. In an original and creative way, Gerard provided a magical performance that was entirely dedicated to our vision. A central performance for the entire group of attendees and "close-up" magic at the table - this combination gave everyone an enthusiastic experience."

    Nico van Dooren - ProjectManager Havenvisie Rotterdam
  • "Beste Gerard,
    I waited a while to respond because I wanted to hear some reactions from colleagues. They are now back from vacation and have responded. I hear many positive reactions: the relationship between your performance and the content of our project, the harbor vision, is much appreciated. I have not received any negative feedback.. I myself found the combination of a group part and a part at the table very successful. .... because they were truly overwhelmed by what was happening.
    Furthermore - and I didn't know this either - there was an amateur magician among the people. He indicated to me that he knew a number of tricks/acts, and he also said that the way you perform them was of a different level than what he normally sees: very good.
    So a successful evening, certainly also due to your contribution, with regards"

    again, Nico van Dooren

Van Puijenbroek Textiles:
"Do what you say, say what you do"

"We felt it was important to clarify our internal annual theme, "say what you do and do what you say," for our employees.
Gerard succeeded in an excellent way by drawing attention to this during his magic sessions. Because, in addition to content, it was also fun, the message got through and stuck with our colleagues. Thank you Gerard.

Van Puijenbroek Textiles
Jo Meulenbroeks - Manager of Personnel & Organization
Annemiek van Puijenbroek - Management P&O at Van Puijenbroek Textiles"

IVM - VU Amsterdam

"I didn't know in advance who we were booking because we had never seen you before so it was a little exciting for us, but I'm very glad we booked you."
Prof. Dr. Jacob de Boer - Head of Dept. Chemistry and Biology - Institute for Environmental Issues, VU University Amsterdam

Other references:

'Gerard knows how to add an extra layer to every presentation with his magic. This generates more interest and pleasure, so a presentation is not forgotten anymore. Furthermore he is a pleasant and open person who can make any day a success. Seeing is believing.'
Rolf Van Der Jagt, BSR Van Der Jagt

'In front of an audience of about 250 people Gerard managed, as the closing act of the plenary part, to both captivate and confuse everybody within the first minute with his magical actions; intriguingly simple, he confronted us with the fact that there is so much that escapes our attention, and that this may not be a comfortable truth for everyone ;-) On behalf of the participants of the Spring Congress of the NVNLP, I am grateful to Gerard for this brief, powerful and curiosity-inducing performance, as well as for his positively appreciated workshop with some 40 participants in the congress program.'
Paul Flier, chairperson NVNLP

'I had a particularly enjoyable evening. Thank you for that. How cool that you combine communication with magic in your lecture. This makes it clearer and more tangible and creates more openness and space both in thought and vision. Moreover, you've entertained us with your magical arts, made us think, and very curious. But you know, I actually almost don't want to know how you did all those magic tricks. The fact that it works is enough. Communication and magic, a fine set.'
Linda Buelens, Therapist

'Gerard has the gift of demonstrating NLP in a unique and fun way. Very cool to experience.'
Niels Wuijts, Wuijts coaching / Special Forces in Business

'Gerard gave a workshop at VHP2 to a group of professionals on perception and on communication. How do we humans function in this busy world, that's all around us, and how can we influence our own functioning? Because of the passionate and original way of presenting it became a workshop to remember. A workshop that you can immediately put into practice both privately and professionally. Fun and educational!'
Casper Vaandrager, VHP2

'I experienced Gerard as a surprise guest at a meeting of an association of professionals. As an NLP trained trainer and coach I was pleasantly surprised by the effect of magic on the presentation of brain processes. If you had an inkling beforehand of how your brain works (and more importantly, how it doesn't)! then after this presentation you'll know for sure. Our brain takes us for a ride, which is a good thing, but it also makes magic possible. Gerard explains it in an inspiring, fun way and it sticks! I enjoyed it and think back to it often! Thank you!'
Gerrit Cleven, Trainer/coach

'Gerard was the 'mystery guest' at an informal meeting I recently organized between directors and staff of a court of auditors and a number of members of the provincial council. In an engaging way he managed to connect the knowledge of 'observation' (research) with 'observations' (magic) for those present. This brought two worlds together and created amazement and wonder and a pleasant atmosphere. Very successful!'
Simone Buissink, bridging gaps and connecting people

Online Magical Lectures - References

Gerard delivered a really fun magic session for us about Personal Leadership. Even though it was held online, it was over in no time due in part to the fun magic breaks. In addition, Gerard came across as very professional - he had everything well prepared and set up. Super thanks for the fun session Gerard!
Lotte Peeters - Ortec
Gerard knows how to keep profound subjects like life happiness and perception light-hearted by alternating them with magic. Furthermore, Gerard is very flexible and thoughtful in communication. I look back on a great collaboration.
Nicole Huizing - Ortec
Some more reactions after the lecture for Ortec:

  • I really learned a lot in this workshop and it was fun to listen to. I think this presentation on personal leadership can help anyone in their work and personal life.
  • Very good session, nice trainer, great digital setup.
  • It was more of a lecture and less of a workshop than I'd expected. I had expected more practical exercises/interaction. I still found it very interesting and learned a lot!
Gerard has his own unique way of keeping a group captivated online, with a lot of good energy. His online energizer, overall positive approach, with matching magic tricks to make the story even more powerful, was very much appreciated. Reactions like, "wow", "cool", "I was immersed" and "special to be taken along like this" covers the vibe of the team well in my opinion. I can recommend Gerard from the experience we had. Misha van Wijmeren - VGZ

Magic Speaker Gerard

Top magical entertainment

You'll only need to provide the participants and location

Professional act with years of experience

Clear agreements and communication

100% Guaranteed! Not satisfied - you'll get your money back


Lots of useful information that is directly applicable

Flexible and pro-active

Also available in Dutch

magisch spreker gerard du buf

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